Object-Oriented Programming: Part 2
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01. Adding a CheckBox
02. Boolean Data Type
03. Update Order Summary
04. Scrolling Along
05. Add Chocolate Topping
06. Add the Chocolate Topping CheckBox
07. Intro to Imposter Syndrome
08. Googlers' Montage
09. What's Your Name?
10. Conditional Code
11. Conditional Code (Email)
12. Conditional Code (Smoothie)
13. Introduction to If/Else
14. Syntax of If/Else
15. Relational Operators
16. Adjust Price With Toppings
17. Negative Cups of Coffee
18. Let Someone Else Do the Hard Work
19. Practice With Intents
20. Localization (OPTIONAL)
21. Styles
22. Styles
23. Themes
24. Reflect on What You've Accomplished
25. Intro to Study Break: Peek Vision
26. Study Break: Peek Vision
27. You're (Almost) Done!
28. Congratulations!
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02. Boolean Data Type
Boolean Data Type
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